Cristina Maurelli

Participatory cinema


I realized numerous participatory cinema projects with our PVCODE method (Participatory Video for Community Development. Participatory Video (Participatory Video or PV) is a set of techniques that lead to the “creation” of a film (fiction or non-fiction) by a group of people or a community, on a topic or theme (or simply a story) that concerns that group or that community. Participants become protagonists of all stages of the movie from writing, to shooting, from acting to editing. I have developed the PVCODE method in order to teach to educators and trainers how to use this technique and how it is possible to build effective educational paths at each stage.

Video Partecipativo

Monza International PV Festival

I was the Artistic Director of the first (2019) and second edition (2020) of the Monza International Participatory Video Festival, an event that allowed educators, teachers, facilitators, videomakers, volunteers, students and researchers to discuss the participatory video techniques. Both the editions were in presence and in streaming with many Italian and international speakers. Workshops, conferences and screenings made the public know the projects carried out all over the world with this methodology. Thousands of views online. The speeches with simultaneous translation are available on YouTube.